meet axcend

High performance liquid chromatography is a process used in analytical chemistry to separate and idenitfy molecules as they run through a "column". I was the number 6 man at Axcend. In a startup you have to wear many hats and so I was a front end developer, UX designer and Product Owner in my time at Axcend.

Role: UX Developer & Product Owner
Application: Electron & Native iOS
Task: Build the interface that can run a portable HPLC unit.
Result: Launched 2 version of the Axcend Focus LC unit with portable WiFi capabilities.

what i did

My Roles: Design, Develop, Plan.


As an early member of the team I was asked to fill the front end developer role. I worked with the embedded systems engineers to construct pages in Electron that would control the instrument. I built the pages, created the look and standardized the code so that we could turn the machine on, turn values, pressurize the column and repeat.


You’ve likely never seen HPLC software before. Let me tell you—it’s complex. Our units were capable of selling at a third the cost of what was on the market. This opened whole new market segments! What that meant for me was that the software needed to be powerful enough for the orders we were getting from the labs at Pfizer, NASA Merck an other. But it also needed to be simple enough for the new customers we let into the market. A challenging problem that I enjoyed overcoming.


As our team grew we needed more direction and coordination for our sprints and releases. I was asked to step up and fill that role. I implemented Agile and Scrum practices including weekly retros, backlog grooming, sprint planning and so on. We also began to implemented better automated testing as we ran into branch management issues and regression problems. We were lean and as we grew up we quickly established practices that produced reliable and quality code.

the results

  • Sold initial units to NASA, Pfizer, Merck, GSK and several Universities around the country
  • Launched 2 versions of the instrument with software that could connect to it's onboard wifi dongle
  • The instrument earned several rewards and over a million dollars in research funding from NIH