meet WriteExpress

WriteExpress owns a series of websites that offer specialized content and services including,, and I began as a front-end developer at WriteExpress but also frequently wore the UX/UI designer hat. As my team pivoted to experimenting with new websites and business models I move into a Product Manager role.

Role: Product Manager
Application: .Net Website
Task: Create the Spanish version of the WriteExpress website and product.
Result: Prioritized rollout based on Hispanic customer segment needs & the translation of 4k letters.

what i did

My Roles: Market Research. Direct Development & Translation

Market Research

We wanted to open up a Spanish speaking market. Through interviewing current customers, potential customers and lots of people who turned out not to be customers we learned 3 very important things.

  1. The Spanish speakers were surprisingly much more interested in the love letters than any other category.
  2. A side by side comparision for Enligh and Spanish was more valuable than a stand-alone Spanish site.
  3. We were taken more seriously by native Spanish speakers as an Engligh first company.


I directed 8 different translation teams to translate over 4 thousand letter templates into Spanish. We set up processes for translating, checking translation work and rechecking one more time. We were able to cruise through these letters with a high level of quality assurance.


After our our market research was complete we realized that instead of creating a separate website we needed to augment the website we already had. We transferred all of the letters into JSON files so that we could easily toggle different languages as the user wanted. The result was an integrated Spanish/English experience that satisfied the needs for all customers.

the results

  • Millions of unique users view this site every year
  • We broke the all-time high for revenue on launch day
  • 20% yearly increase in ad revenue
  • Double the size of the content offering
  • Expanded our customer base into Spanish speaking countries